Dr Tom S. Decates

Doctor Tom S. Decates (1980) studied medicine at University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. After that he gained three years of plastic surgery experience in Amsterdam, Leiden and Eindhoven. He then specialized fully in Cosmetic Medicine in 2011. Since 2016 he is doing scientific research on the complications of fillers at the Amsterdam UMC and the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. With his colleagues he runs the biggest outpatient clinic for filler complications in the world. Where they help 500 patients each year and teach other doctors from all around the world. In 2021 he wrote his thesis ‘The Origin of Soft Tissue Filler Adverse Events’ and he continues to do his fundamental research in Cosmetic Medicine. He is also head of the training institute of cosmetic medicine in the Netherlands. In 2023 he was assigned Assistant Professor at the Dermatology Department at the Erasmus MC. Doctor Decates is married and has two sons.